Communication is the key to outstanding leadership and a successful organisation. Ledarstudion provides the tools you need to develop individually, in groups and as a company.

To inspire and awaken commitment among employees is one of the most important tasks as a manager. Leadership means always standing on a stage. For communicative leadership, the forms of expression used by actors on stage can be applied to become more conscious and efficient.

Why is it such a good idea to attend Ledarstudion?

Our form of training involves practical abilities instead of just theory. You will receive training from coaches who are fully qualified in our own concept and training takes place in studios where you can practice communication skills.

We prefer the term programme to traditional courses, and always base the content on each individual’s personal profile and personality, as we all have unique needs. This is an investment with a lifelong yield! It’s just like learning how to ride a bike. Once you’ve learned it and practiced, then you never forget – even if you don’t go cycling every day.

This is the perfect opportunity to develop your own, your group’s and your company’s communication skills. An investment for life


Would you like to learn how to have an impact on people and help create a better atmosphere at work? This is achievable by having aspirations and motivation, which is why you need to understand why you are in your current position, to know yourself in essence, what you want to achieve and why. Your most important point of contact is with yourself; your emotional inner world is the driving force behind all your aspirations. You can achieve this by gaining a high level of self-knowledge about how you express yourself, your values and your personality.


Do you want to achieve excellent results in your group? Once you are able to understand each other, the values and motivation that inspire you, then you have the prerequisites for success. That is why you have to learn to understand who you are and how you act towards each other. All members of a group are responsible for efficiently forming links among the group. By gaining an understanding of how you develop social sensitivity, empathy and respect for each other, you will be able to enhance your cooperative skills and thereby improve your results. Improve your communication skills and you will develop a high-performing team!


Do you want to achieve a strong corporate culture with managers and employees who have the ability to lead the way without getting in the way? A strong organisation requires both strong leadership and mindful, secure employees. Visible leadership is often underrated and is one of the keys to a positive working environment. Great managers build a culture that allows for analysis and wise decision-making. They develop an atmosphere that is inspiring and that promotes responsibility, development and creativity. Would you like to learn how to create this type of working environment? Boost your corporate culture to provide all-encompassing gains for your organisation!

Contact us so we can discuss how to prepare a programme tailor-made to you and your company.

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