Explore Your Psychological Safety!

Group psychology is about how individuals act and function in groups, and there’s a certain type of group climate that leads to better cooperation than others. In organizational and leadership research, the concept of psychological safety has received significant attention because it has been shown to be the key to individuals and teams feeling good, creating a learning environment, and thus becoming high-performing. A psychologically safe group optimally utilizes the resources of its members to create constant change. It’s characterized by everyone feeling involved, motivated, and joyful, and collaboration is infused with learning, innovation, openness, and efficiency. This leads to good performance and results!

Psychological Safety is an emerging state in a group that requires members to be open and willing to take interpersonal risks. The group is receptive to what is said and done. This is a balancing act, and as a leader, you always influence the group’s safety and trust, either positively or negatively depending on what you say and do at every moment. It’s a spiral that either builds trust or creates uncertainty.

It’s an ongoing process, but by laying a foundation for the group to stand on, you develop habits and tools that make the work easier.

How do you create a psychologically safe group?

A one-day workshop at Ledarstudion explores where you stand now and how you practically move forward!

You and your group gain insight into how psychological safety works for you You get to explore your ability for openness and listening, broaden your perspectives, and understand how your collaboration fosters learning and development You get inspired on how you can quickly refine your collaboration to develop a change-oriented approach

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• Leadership developers
• Voice and body language coaches