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Our address in the district of Vasastan, Stockholm
Hälsingegatan 2
Position at Ledarstudion
CEO and founder, responsible for management and marketing issues. Lena is a leadership developer, consultant in rhetoric and organisational development specialist.
- Master of Science in Business and Economics, specialising in marketing and communication.
- Rhetoric at Stockholm University.
- MBTI certificate.
Lena started her career as a dresser at Stockholm’s Stadsteater. After graduating, she worked as a Director at SAS with a focus on leadership development and intercultural communication. She has worked as Vice President and HR Director at Föreningssparbanken and was a board member with Luleå University of Technology. Lena founded Ledarstudion in 2002.
Albert Klintberg
COO, Senior Partner & leadership developer
Albert Klintberg
Vice VD, Senior Partner & Ledarutvecklare
Position at Ledarstudion
Albert is a leadership developer and principal coach for our open programmes and customised concept. He has specialised in group development. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- University college education in economics and medical informatics
- Rhetoric and Change Management from Stanford University.
- Courses at the Gestalt International Study Center, UGL and the Guides and Scouts of Sweden.
- MBTI certificate
After completing his studies, Albert worked with IT with a focus on health and healthcare as a consultant, consultant manager and product manager. He has been part of management groups and been involved in the Guides and Scouts of Sweden with international managerial roles and board membership. Albert has many years of experience as a moderator. He has worked for Ledarstudion since 2014 and as Vice President since 2019.
Other qualifications
MBTI certificate.
Position at Ledarstudion
As CFO, Gunnar is responsible for economic management. As a Senior Partner, he is also responsible for the development of our business processes relating to sales, marketing, strategy, planning and delivery.
- Master of Science in Business and Economics from Stockholm School of Economics
Gunnar has experience from working as a CEO for several companies, a high number of positions on boards and is also self-employed. He has worked for Ledarstudion since 2009.
Inriktning på Ledarstudion
Katarina är ledarutvecklare, huvudhandledare och kommunikationscoach i våra öppna program och skräddarsydda koncept. Hon är certifierad i Ledarstudions utforskande färdighetskoncept, UFT®.
- Högskoleutbildning inom statsvetenskap och internationella relationer
- Utbildad inom HR på Företagsekonomiska Institutet
- Diplomerad ICF-coach
Katarina har en lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med kommunikation. Hon har jobbat som konsult och projektledare inom strategisk kommunikation och opinionsbildning, och under flera år arbetade hon som kommunikationschef inom fastighetsbranschen. Hon har erfarenhet från ledningsgruppsarbete och att leda personal.
Inriktning på Ledarstudion
Lotta är ledarutvecklare och kommunikationscoach i både våra öppna program och skräddarsydda uppdrag. Hon är certifierad i Ledarstudions utforskande färdighetskoncept, UFT®.
- 18 års erfarenhet av ledarutveckling som Ledarskapstränare, ledarskapskonsult och ledarskapscoach
- 21 års erfarenhet coaching – olika sektorer och olika målgrupper
- 18 års erfarenhet av grupputveckling, med tonvikt på gruppers samarbetsklimat
- 17 års erfarenhet av träning av coacher på avancerad nivå (Arbetsmarknadscoaching)
- ICF PCC certifierad coach 2011, flera 1000 coachtimmar
- Juristexamen 1993, inkl. retorik. 7 års erfarenhet av juridiska roller såväl statligt som privat
- HR-studier, 2 år vid PersonalAkademin.
- Diplomerad inom utvecklingsverktyget Enneagrammet
Lotta har gedigen erfarenhet av att coacha och handleda både individer och grupper att kommunicera och samarbeta bättre. Hon har även erfarenhet av omställningsarbete och av att coacha uppsagda människor till jobb. På SKV har Lotta coachat 100-tals medarbetare i Livs- och karriärplanering samt i ledarskap. I 7 år var hon verksam jurist. Efter att ha drivit Frihetsbyrån, en egen coaching- och utvecklingspraktik, i ett år, började Lotta på Ledarstudion, 2022.
Inriktning på Ledarstudion
Krister är ledarutvecklare i våra öppna program och skräddarsydda koncept. Han är specialiserad på individ-, grupp- och verksamhetsutveckling och är under utbildning i Ledarstudions koncept utforskande färdighetsträning, UFT®.
- Akademiska examina inom matematik, beteendevetenskap (pedagogik) och psykologi.
- Grundläggande psykoterapeutisk utbildning s.k. steg-1 och diplomerad gruppterapeut.
- Scrum master certifierad.
- Agile evangelist SAFe5.
- Högskoleutbildning inom ekonomi.
Krister har 25 års erfarenhet från näringslivet inom bank och finans där han har haft olika roller bland annat som chef och ledare. De senaste 10 åren har Krister arbetat med förändringsledning, individ- och ledarutveckling och konflikthantering. Speciellt fokus har legat på utveckling av grupper såsom ledningsgrupper, terapeutiska grupper och arbetsgrupper. Krister har arbetat på Ledarstudion sedan 2023.
Inriktning på Ledarstudion
Eva är ledarutvecklare och huvudhandledare, specialiserad på våra öppna program. Hon utbildad i Ledarstudions utforskande färdighetskoncept, UFT®.
- Jur. kand.-examen
- Enstaka kurser i pedagogik på Stockholms universitet
- Core course – society for organisational learning (SoL)
- Utbildningar MiL-gruppen, UGL, GDQ mm
Efter juridikstudenterna följde 15 år som bolagsjurist och juridisk rådgivare inom bank och finans. Eva hade även ansvar för områden inom kompetens och lärande på Swedbank. Från 2003 till 2020 var hon HR-direktör och ansvarig i företagsledningen inom Bonniers bokkoncern för bland annat frågorna kring Human development och sustainability. Ett stort stort antal styrelseuppdrag såväl i affärsdrivande bolag som icke vinstdrivande bolag.
Ulf Söderström
Leadership developer & Communication coach
Ulf Söderström
Leadership developer & Communication coach
Position at Ledarstudion
Ulf is a leadership developer and principal coach for our open programmes and customised concept. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Qualifications in film, TV and radio production and dramaturgy and media training from the University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre in Stockholm.
- First-cycle courses in behavioural science, teaching, drama teaching, and has a degree in education from the University of Gothenburg.
- Courses in leadership, personnel development and working environment.
The common denominator in Ulf’s career is development of the communicative skills of both individuals and organisations. He has many years of experience from film and TV production and from teaching, managing and organising training within radio, film, TV, theatre and media pedagogy. Ulf has worked as a communications consultant within personnel and leadership development in industries such as digital technology, telecommunications, economics, law, the labour market and municipal and governmental administration. He has worked for Ledarstudion since 2018.
Jimmy Meurling
Senior Partner & body and stage performing coach
Jimmy Meurling
Senior Partner & body and stage performing coach
Position at Ledarstudion
Jimmy is a body and stage performing coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Trained as a mime artist at the Swedish National Academy of Mime and Acting in Stockholm.
- Trained in movement-based dramatic art at the University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre in Stockholm.
Jimmy has 25 years of experience in teaching, primarily within artistic fields. He has taught at most of Sweden’s University colleges within the arts, such as the Swedish National Academy of Mime and Acting, the Royal College of Music, the school of dance (danshögskolan) and Stockholm University of the Arts. As a director, choreographer and actor, he has taken part in more than 100 productions in Sweden and Norway. He has worked for Ledarstudion since 2006.
Position at Ledarstudion
Ivan is a voice, body and stage performing coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Qualified voice and language coach (logonom) with the Stockholm University College of Music Education
- Master of Education for the Upper Secondary School within theatre and dance at Stockholm University.
- Qualified as a choreographer with Danshögskolan.
Ivan has worked in theatre in Sweden as an artist, actor, choreographer and director. He has worked for Ledarstudion since 2011.
Position at Ledarstudion
Lina is a voice and body coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. She is highly experienced in working with speech anxiety and stage fright. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Qualified voice and language coach (logonom) with the Stockholm University College of Music Education
- Trained actress, has a Bachelor of Arts from the Drama Centre in London.
- Drama studies at the University of Gothenburg.
- Ballet studies at Balettakademien in Gothenburg
Since completing her education, Lina has contributed as an actress on numerous theatre, film and TV productions. She has worked for Ledarstudion since 2015.
Position at Ledarstudion
Charlotta is a voice and body coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Trained at the Opera Academy in Copenhagen
- Speech Therapist degree from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm
Charlotta has many years of experience as an opera and concert singer both in Sweden and abroad. She has also taught others in speech and singing for several years.
She has worked for Ledarstudion since 2012.
Position at Ledarstudion
Ulrika is a voice and body coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Qualified voice and language coach (logonom) with the Stockholm University College of Music Education
- Trained with the University College of Opera in Stockholm.
- Opera Studio 67,
- Opern Studio Zürich.
Ulrika has many years of experience as an opera and concert singer both in Sweden and abroad. She has also taught for a number of years in speech and singing and worked as a TV announcer, producer and officiating clergywoman. She has worked for Ledarstudion since 2016.
Position at Ledarstudion
Karin works as a voice and body coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. She is highly experienced in working with speech anxiety and stage fright. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Qualified voice and language coach (logonom) with the Stockholm University College of Music Education
- Speech therapist specialising in the speech and linguistic development of children, Lommarskolan school.
- Masters’ degree in Theatre and Drama from the Swedish National Academy of Mime and Acting in Stockholm.
- Qualified as a choreographer with Danshögskolan.
- Stockholm Institute of Education
Karin has contributed to a high number of theatre performances in Sweden. She has worked part-time as a speech therapist for municipal and county councils, specialising in children’s voices. Karin will be holding a course at the Stockholm University College of Music Education in the autumn of 2018. She has worked for Ledarstudion since 2011.
Anita Heikkilä Einarsson
Voice and body coach
Position at Ledarstudion
Anita is a voice and body coach for our open programmes, customised concept and individual guidance. Certified in Ledarstudion’s UFT® training concept (exploratory skills training).
- Qualified voice and language coach (logonom) with the Stockholm University College of Music Education
- Senior lecturer in voice, speech and text interpretation at Luleå Theatre Academy.
- Courses at the Stockholm Institute of Education, Stockholm University and Malmö Theatre Academy.
Anita is not only a senior lecturer at Luleå Theatre Academy, she is also a guest lecturer at Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts and the Stockholm Institute of Education. She has worked as an actress for many years and has a burning interest in education and teaching. She has worked for Ledarstudion since 2018.